

Widgets are buttons / entities that live on your MBP TouchBar - they can autorefresh on your demand and display images or text. You can customize the actions that happen upon clicking/holding the widget and its appearance (such as background or font color)

What's possible

BetterTouchTool allows you to use the TouchBar in two separate modes - with MacOS control strip and without it (full control).

Creating Touchbar widget

You can create a Touchbar widget on the fly

const widget = await btt.Widget.create({
  name: 'Touchbar widget name',
  mode: 'node',
  // if you use the package on the frontend, you may need to provide path option manually, ex. with nvm:
  // path: '/Users/UserName/.nvm/versions/node/v9.2.0/bin/node'
  alwaysShow: false, // whether this widget should always be visible
  script: `console.log('Hello world!')`, // node.js compilant code
  appearance: {
    iconHeight : 22,
    iconWidth : 22,
    padding : -5,
    freeSpaceAfterButton : 5.000000, 
    buttonColor : "0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 255.000000",
    alternateBackgroundColor : "128.829533, 128.829533, 128.829533, 255.000000"

// you can now check its id
// => '07CA71DD-A3F9-4CF0-8340-9285373399EC'

Updating the widget

To update the widget you need to pass a callback function to the update method of this particular widget instance. The callback should return an object of values that you want to update.

const widget = await btt.Widget.create(options);

widget.update(() => {
  return {
    // will show current date each time this callback is run
    text: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),
    background_color: '0,0,0,1',
// => Promise<CallResult> 

You may also use update method without callback parameter, if you set the default callback function with setDefaultCallback method:

const callback = () => {
  return {
    // will show current date each time this callback is run
    text: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),
    background_color: '0,0,0,1',

// => void

// each call will invoke the `callback` function 
// => Promise<CallResult> 

Refreshing a widget

If you pass default script to your touchbar widget you can use refresh method to run it again. It may aquire same resuts as using update method, but refresh is more performant due it's implementation. Using refresh will just send the UUID of the Touchbar widget that'd need to be updated, whereas update will send all the data explicitly. update is intended to update certian values of the widget and refresh just runs the passed script again. Also, update may be slightly more expensive in terms of performance and refresh.

const widget = await btt.Widget.create({ 
  // ...
  script: `console.log(new Date().toISOString())`, // node.js compilant code
  // ...
// => Promise<Widget> 

// the script will run once, showing the current date
// after some time, you might call:
await widget.refresh();
// => Promise<CallResult> 

// and it'll update the value, running the script again

Deleting a widget

const widget = await btt.Widget.get({
  uuid: 'Your UUID',
await widget.delete();
// => Promise<CallResult> 

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