

Triggers are meant to be used in those rare cases when you want to operate on BTT on even lower level. For example, you may have a case which isn't handled by standard btt.js actions - you can manage BTT with triggers then.


Triggers object available on btt instance is an alternative way of managing the actions (as BTT calls them - triggers).

Each btt instance has its Trigger property (FTrigger). It allows you to delete, modify and create and call any BTT trigger defined manually or via btt.

Getting an instance of existing trigger

You may get existing triggers via btt.Trigger.get:

// get particular trigger via name
const triggerInstance = btt.Trigger.get({ name: 'myCustomName' });

// get particular trigger via name
const triggerInstance2 = btt.Trigger.get({ uuid: 'UUID-HASH-OF-TRIGGER' });

// ... 


To get either name or uuid of trigger, simply select trigger in BTT and press cmd + c, and cmd + v to preview it in text editor.

Deleting a trigger

Once you have triggerInstance you can use "trigger instance methods" .

You can also delete particular trigger via name or uuid:

// delete trigger via name
const result = btt.Trigger.delete({ name: 'myCustomName' });
// => Promise<CallResult>

// delete trigger via uuid
const result2 = btt.Trigger.delete({ uuid: 'UUID-HASH-OF-TRIGGER' });
// => Promise<CallResult>

Creating a trigger

You can create new trigger from btt instance anytime with create method of Trigger object

// create new trigger with given UUID / name
const newTriggerInstance = btt.Trigger.create({ uuid: 'UUID-HASH-OF-TRIGGER' });
// => Promise<Trigger> 

// or 
// const newTriggerInstance =  btt.Trigger.create({ uuid: 'UUID-HASH-OF-TRIGGER' });
// => Promise<Trigger> 

Invoking any kind of JSON

And finally - you can basically invoke any kind of JSON payload that you'd like BTT to execute. So for example, lets assume that you want to manipulate on JSON manually and then just send it.

// anything that you'd like to send to BTT
const myJSON = {};

// send the data to BTT (expect actions to invoke)
const result = btt.Trigger.invoke(myJSON);
// => Promise<CallResult>

Instance methods

When you have the instance of some trigger, then you may perform various actions with it, for example update its underlying JSON.

// anything that you'd like to send to BTT
const myJSON = {};

// change existing trigger behavior
const result = triggerInstance.update(myJSON);
// => Promise<CallResult>

You can delete it (without the need to explicitly pass uuid or name, contrary to FTrigger method):

// delete current trigger
// => Promise<CallResult>

And lastly, you can invoke particular trigger:

// call the JSON assigned to the trigger
// => Promise<CallResult>

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