
This section will get you through basics of btt.js instance config.

Connecting to BTT webserver

The most essential properties related to the connection to BTT webserver API are domain, protocol, and port.

const btt = new Btt({
  domain: '',
  protocol: 'http',
  port: 64472,


domain, protocol, port and sharedKey must match the definition within BetterTouchTool configuration to work

Shared key

If you have set up a sharedKey in you BTT webserver config (recommended), you need to pass sharedKey property as well:

const btt = new Btt({
  domain: '',
  protocol: 'http',
  port: 64472,

Shared secret

If you have set up a sharedSecret in you BTT general config (recommended), you need to pass sharedSecret property as well. This will be used if you invoke functions inside a floatin webview context:

const btt = new Btt({
  domain: '',
  protocol: 'http',
  port: 64472,


If you read the Staying secure section you already know that you can disable some actions within particular btt.js instance.

To do so provide array of action names that you want to disable, for example:

const btt = new Btt({
  domain: '',
  protocol: 'http',
  port: 64472,
  blacklist: ['showHUD'],

will disable btt.showHUD method.

Silent mode

If you do not wish to display error / warning messages via btt.js - for example if blacklisted action is being invoked, you can pass silent flag set to true (false by default)

const btt = new Btt({
  domain: '',
  protocol: 'http',
  port: 64472,
  blacklist: ['showHUD'],
  silent: true,

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